The van has been sold and is now off on some new adventures.
So, what’s next for us? No idea …
A few road trips and ‘cabin’ and ‘tent’ holidays for a while I guess.
The van has been sold and is now off on some new adventures.
So, what’s next for us? No idea …
A few road trips and ‘cabin’ and ‘tent’ holidays for a while I guess.
Tags: Caravanning
No more sleeps to save us from the future. The wait is over.
Tomorrow we ride! Our trusty steed (the Prado) will drag our faithful chariot (the Expanda) off across the wide brown land in search of the best beaches, campsites, coldest beers and fiestiest Barramundi.
Tonight we had a round table (well square, but that’s enough nit-picking) discussion about the future. There’s just so much happening while we’re gone……
Tags: Caravanning, Planning, Preparation
Toora is always cold, wet and windy.
Didn’t notice the weather that much on Friday night as the park has a great “Nomads club room” complete with pool table, table tennis, foosball and other games.
It also has the all-important TV to watch the Friday night game and the even more important coonara to keep us warm well into the wee hours. The lights went out at 11pm, but a few stayers persistently hung around trying to get to the bottom of the muscat cask … unsuccessfully.
We fluked it and got a great day on Saturday. Not too cold, too wet or windy.
There’s a bit of a hill and lookout at the back of the park, so Poppie and I climbed up the top to check it out after brekky.
The dominating feature around the Toora skyline is the local windfarm. There’s quite a few of them scattered about the place. Did I mention Toora is windy?
Headed off for a bit of a look around after brekky to try and find some of the local geocaches and see what else was on offer. There’s a big hill just out of town, overlooking all the surroundings. We stopped there to find the first cache of the day and Alan, Sandy, Dave and Char turned up while having an explore too.
We all decided to continue on for a bit and check out Agnes Falls … one of the tallest in Victoria.
Managed to snap this one of Blake and Hannah at the falls pretending that they can stand each other.
The walk to the falls and subsequent fruitless search of the area had made us hungry and thirsty. As if by magic, Sue called up to say that lunch was at the Toora pub … see you shortly.
Lunch was great … no complaints heard, and there was plenty to choose from on the menu.
Back to the park for the AGM at 3pm and then a lazy afternoon reading and watching TV. We were going to go over to the rec room again that night, but Blake and Hannah wanted to watch a movie and have a quiet one.
Blake said that, “We’d all been sociable enough last night to last the whole weekend!”, so popcorn and movies it was.
A reasonably early start to Sunday (for me anyway) saw us on the road about 11ish. It was supposed to be cold, wet and windy all the way home so I had anticipated a slow trip, but we made good time as the weather was co-operating.
Managed to get a couple more geocaches on the way back, including Kel being first to find one of them.
Tags: Caravanning, Geocaching, Nomads, Toora
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