A sleep in was had, since we couldn’t really do much, other than pack up and move to our new site. Around 9am we were packed up and moved the 100m to our new home for the next 3 nights. A full van setup was done for the first time ever this trip. Ground cloth, shade cloth, clothesline … you name it, it was unpacked. Kel also took the opportunity to pack away the winter clothes and break out the summer clothes. The roof top box is now full of the ‘too many’ winter clothes we’d packed.
I was fairly keen to go for a bit of a drive, to get a lay of the land. Kel was keen to get the tours booked. The kids just wanted to play board games … *sigh* … one day … one day, they’ll get it. But not today.
I booked in for a couple of tours. Kel’s not happy … but we’re here once and NEED to do the unique tours while we can.
Missus satisfied, we set off for a look around and found a few beaches, but none nice to swim at. The wind and waves weren’t making them a pleasant place to be. The colours are fantastic though.
Beaten … we drove back to the park and walked around a little further South to Paradise Beach. Here the rocky outcrop nearly completely blocked the wind. This eliminated the waves too and some good snorkeling practice was had.
We had tons of Snapper and Barracouta swimming around us. They’d even follow you in to the shallows and were swimming through our legs.